29 December 2006

Taiwan - August 2006

20/August - on the way to the mountains in Northern Taiwan
20/August - Wuling valley in Northern Taiwan, Sophia with butterfly
20/August - Wuling, Sophia & Julia with a lovely toad
21/August - Wuling, Sophia & Julia catching tadpoles
21/August - Wuling: Sophia, Ping & Julia during a hike
21/August - Julia
21/August - all of us in front of the famous waterfall in Wuling valley
22/August - on the way to the Sun-Moon Lake in central Taiwan
23/August - Ali Shan in central Taiwan
23/August - ancient trees in Ali Shan (more than 1000 years old)
23/August - temple in Ali Shan
23/August - Ali Shan
25/August - whole family in Kenting, southern tip of Taiwan
25/August - Kenting at the beach